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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Old people own buses??

Seriously, I dont know whats wrong with old people.
Sometimes they make me never want to grow old.
But then you meet the sweet old people, the ones
your grandparents are suppose to be like but never
are.. the ones that bakes cookies instead or argue
and repeat themselves like a broken record.

:) a few days ago i was on the bus. This old lady just
told me to get up didnt say please or thank you but she
was old so I gladly gave up my seat

EBONY goes... "I dont know what wrong with old people
thinking they own the bus telling me to get up" LMFAO i love her

&& sade
cooliegyal1 (8:44:14 PM): Son 1 day
cooliegyal1 (8:44:20 PM): I was on da bus
cooliegyal1 (8:45:19 PM): ((&nd)) I was tired
cooliegyal1 (8:45:25 PM): ((&nd)) dis old lady came on the bus
insensativelove (8:45:35 PM): uhu huh
cooliegyal1 (8:45:42 PM): ((&nd)) she stared at me
cooliegyal1 (8:45:57 PM): ((&nd)) she sed oh god
cooliegyal1 (8:46:06 PM): Dese children have no mannaz
cooliegyal1 (8:46:28 PM): Then I roll my eyes
cooliegyal1 (8:46:58 PM): ((&nd)) suck my teeth
cooliegyal1 (8:47:28 PM): Den she say ya see no mannaz
cooliegyal1 (8:47:39 PM): Cyant even give up di seat nah man
cooliegyal1 (8:47:48 PM): ((&nd)) a lady sed here miss
insensativelove (8:48:26 PM): damn she just wanted to pick a fight
cooliegyal1 (8:48:29 PM): ((&nd)) the old lady sed no I want dis seat
cooliegyal1 (8:49:04 PM): ((&nd)) then I look down
insensativelove (8:49:07 PM): lmaoooo
cooliegyal1 (8:49:17 PM): ((&nd)) she sed it louder
cooliegyal1 (8:49:25 PM): ((&nd)) I got off for my stop